(949) 999 - 0777 | 230 E 17th St., Ste 202, Costa Mesa, CA 92627

New Alter-G Technology at FORMA and What it means for you.

Get ready for access to the most cutting edge run training and injury rehab technology the Anti-Gravity Treadmill.  FORMA now offers what until now only a small group of world class runners secretly practice – NASA technology that defies gravity.

The Alter G-Trainer offers personalized precision un-weighting benefits that build run specific endurance without the pain and risk associated with full-weight impact on joints, bones, tendons, and muscles. With a simple touch of a button, a runner can reduce bodyweight in 1% increments, all the way up to 80% of bodyweight.

How does it work?

An air sealed cushion around a runner’s midsection uses air pressure to un-weight the runner – imagine a cork being pushed up through a wine bottle.  Meanwhile, the runner enjoys normal run range of motion – minus those pounds that the runner wishes to eliminate.

Who can benefit from running with Alter G technology?

New Injuries

  • Rehabilitate AND Train with your natural gait and rhythm
  • Reduce your weight to that level where impact is not harmful
  • Maintain fitness while undergoing a rehab program
  • No more water-run drudgery!

Performance Runners

  • Add Volume without the wear and tear
  • Over-speed training
  • Active recovery runs can see quicker pace for improved turnover

Ironman & Ultra Marathoners

  • Unweighting allows muscles of feet, legs, hips and back to sustain training intensity with minimal risk of strains
  • Assists the body into remembering quick running gait and core patterns even under fatigue

Old Injuries

  • Oh… to feel like before the old injury!  With the Alter G, yes you can!
  • Faster and more frequent running without the next day penalty


  • Transition to earlier walking and eventually running as fractional bodyweight is gradually added
  • Greatly speed-up your recovery period
  • Maintain basic active movement skills and fitness levels
  • Rehab now becomes a more positive experience


  • Run at your college weight!
  • Curious as to how losing 10 pounds would impact your running?  Touch a button and be amazed – and then motivated to drop the extra luggage

FORMA provides a variety of rehabilitation and training program packages for patients and visitors to take advantage of this leading edge anti-gravity technology.  Come join us for a run.

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By | 2017-10-06T19:20:53+00:00 December 2nd, 2011|FORMA Announcements, Marathon Training|0 Comments

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